Washington Watch Articles From 1992

The Democratic and Republican "Name Games"
There are at least three major political "name games" being played simultaneously in Washington these days. The outcome of all three will be critical in determining the political direction of the country during the next four years.

Clinton and the Middle East, No Time For Panic
There has been a great deal of analysis and commentary in the Arab press about the impact of a Clinton presidency on the Arab world. Many of the articles I have seen have been fundamentally flawed, based as they were on simplistic distortions or inadequate analysis.

Election Eve Observations
As recently as one week ago the outcome of the U.S. election seemed certain. Bill Clinton's lead appeared to be so insurmountable, especially in several key electoral states, that no political analyst I know could imagine a realistic scenario that could turn the election around for George Bush.

Setting the Stage for Debate Week
This will be an all-or-nothing week for George Bush. His campaign has been attacking Bill Clinton and struggling since the Republican National Convention. But Bush does not seen to be gaining any ground.

Perot Is In and the Debates Are On
Ross Perot has once again crashed the party of American Politics.

An Update on Congressional Elections
Regardless of who wins the presidential elections, there will be major changes in Washington next year. Most experts predict a record number of new Congressmen and Senators will be elected in November.

The Electoral Vote Revisited: Understanding This Year's Campaigning
To understand the inner workings of U.S. presidential elections, it is necessary to understand the role played by what is called the electoral vote.

The Campaign Descends into "Politics as Usual"
In a presidential election year, almost anything can become "political": even a hurricane, even a candidates' wife.

Bush vs. Clinton: The Campaign Begins
For the first time in nine months Bill Clinton has a real opponent.

George Bush's Convention Victory in Houston
With the conclusion of the Republican Convention, George Bush leaves Houston still trailing in the polls but coming back strong.

Arab Americans at the Republican and Democratic Conventions
A record number of Arab Americans were delegates to this year's Republican National Convention. The more than 30 Arab American delegates who went to Houston represented a significant increase over the average 4 or so who attended Republican conventions in past years. They also signaled a breakthrough for Arab American political work within the party.

Foreign Affairs: Bush's Strong Suit?
One week before the Republican National Convention, world events may be dealing George Bush the cards he needs to improve his chances against a still-surging Bill Clinton.

Bush's Troubles
Two weeks after the Democratic Convention, Presidential candidate Bill Clinton is still riding a wave of popularity.

Fallout from the Democratic National Convention
Democrats are excited, Republicans are in disarray and Perot supporters are angry and confused.

Democrats and Their Conventions
When I walked to the podium of the Democratic Convention in San Francisco to nominate Jesse Jackson for President in 1984, I became the first Arab American to address a national political convention. In 1988, I was once again given that special opportunity when I walked to the podium of the convention in Atlanta to lead the historic debate on Palestinian rights.

Abortion and Other Issues: How They Define Presidential Politics
Since the beginning of this presidential election season, a number of issues have taken center stage in the national debate. For a period of time, each was viewed as a "defining issue", i.e. issues that would sharply define both the differences between the candidates and the nature of the presidential debate itself.

Bush, Clinton and the Middle East Peace Debate
George Bush took a big risk this election year in an effort to protect the Middle East peace process. From the results of the Israeli elections, it appears that his gamble may have paid off.

Clinton's Problems with the Democrats
Political analysts have made news of the fissures that have opened up within the Republican party.

What's Happening to the Bush Campaign?
The President's continuing downward slide in the polls and the repeated errors made by his campaign in recent weeks have even his strongest supporter's asking “What’s happening to George Bush?”

Elections Produce Real Changes in the U.S.
It is becoming increasingly difficult to write about U.S. politics without focusing on Ross Perot.