Washington Watch Articles From 2008
He Came, Trod GentlyAnd Did Quite Well
There were, to be sure, a number of risks associated with Barack Obama’s nine-nation foreign policy foray. It is one thing to masterfully run a primary campaign, and quite another to travel to three of the world’s hottest conflict zones, each with its own unique challenges.
McCain & Obama:Two Images of America
The two candidates who have emerged from this year’s grueling presidential primaries as their respective parties’ standard bearer present Americans with a dramatic choice. For all that can be said about their differences in background, experience, political philosophies and prescriptions for the future, it is their profoundly distinct personae that I find most compelling.
Obama’s Philadelphia Address: All the “Right Stuff”
In bravely and comprehensively addressing the issue of race in America, its history and its persistent and corrosive impact on our society and politics, Barack Obama demonstrated uncommon leadership.
Words Matter
U.S. media attention has been focused for days now on former Congresswoman Geraldine Ferraro’s racially divisive remarks about Senator Barack Obama’s candidacy for president.
The Election After New Hampshire
The New Hampshire primary helped sharply define the Democratic presidential primary as a two person race even as it further muddied the waters of the Republican Party nomination battle.