Washington Watch Articles From 2011
GOP Candidates Discuss Israel-Palestine
On December 7, 2012, six Republican candidates for President (Rep. Ron Paul was not invited) appeared before the Republican Jewish Coalition (NRC) to campaign for Christian votes. There are Jewish Republicans, to be sure, but not enough to make a difference in this primary contest.
The Way it Was
Shortly after Barack Obama's inauguration as the 44th President of the United States, I was invited to a dinner at the Lebanese Embassy in Washington, D.C. in honor of Ray Lahoud. Lahoud had just been named as Secretary of Transportation, and the Embassy was proud that the grandson of Lebanese immigrants had been named to serve in the new President's cabinet.
Deja Vu: 2012/1996
This Presidential election is beginning to look a lot like the contest of 1996, which saw a battered Bill Clinton win a second term in office by defeating Republican Senator Bob Dole. There are differences, to be sure, but the similarities are striking.

Economic Roots of Bahrain's Crisis and a Needed GCC Response
All too frequently these days, I am asked whether our past polling at Zogby International gave us any advance clues to the uprisings that have occurred in several Arab countries.
Ethnic Politics in America
I stood, this morning, before a room filled to capacity with members of the Democratic Party's Ethnic Council. The Council is an assembly of representatives of America's rich and diverse ethnic immigrant communities.
After Egypt: Arab Voices Matter
If one lesson is to be learned from the remarkable events unfolding in Egypt, it is that Arab public opinion matters.