Washington Watch Articles From 2012
Pulling Lebanon Back from the Brink
With neighboring Syria imploding, tensions with Iran mounting, and Israel ever threatening, Lebanon appears to be on the brink of conflict. But then that has been the story of Lebanon for decades now.

Egypt's Elections: Lessons and the Way Forward
Supreme Constitutional Court (SCC) Chair Farouk Sultan's nearly interminable announcement of the outcome of Egypt's presidential election tested his nation's patience.

Nader Is Right: Double Standard is Real
Ralph Nader is without a doubt one of truly transformational figures in contemporary American history.

A Big Election for Arab Americans
For Arab Americans, the big election news of the past week didn't come out of just Wisconsin or Egypt.

Our Government Is Failing to Protect Our Rights
A few weeks ago a Palestinian-American woman, Sandra Tamari, traveling to the West Bank to visit her family was stopped by Israeli airport officials and ordered to log on to her email account and provide her password so that the Israelis could read her private communications. They insisted this be done before they would allow her to enter the country.
Three Years After Cairo: Partisan Obstruction Continues to Block Change
One year ago, on the second anniversary of President Obama's historic Cairo University address to the Muslim World, we released the results of our 2011 Arab World polling

Romney: Going Negative, Subtly
Republican presidential challenger, Mitt Romney was given credit last week for refusing to endorse a proposed ad campaign that sought to link President Barack Obama with the controversial sermons delivered by his former pastor Jeremiah Wright.
Egypt's Election: "We've Never Here Been Before"
This Egyptian presidential election has all the earmarks of being a "we've never been here before" event.
Netanyahu Creates a Big New Government to Do Nothing but Survive
Benjamin Netanyahu, ever the master maneuverer, has done it again.

NYPD Surveillance Revisited
When a senior White House national security official traveled to New York City recently to praise that city's police department, he stoked the embers of a controversy between the Administration and the Arab American and American Muslim communities.

A Battered Romney Wins: On to November
It was rough going, but Mitt Romney, having run the gamut of the U.S. presidential primary process, has survived.

A Resilient Arab American Community
With all of the dramatic and sometimes discouraging developments currently taking place across the Arab World, the challenges faced by the small but vibrant Arab American community are often given short shrift.

Should America Be Involved in Democracy Promotion in the Arab World?
For the past three decades, democracy promotion has been a staple, though oftentimes understated arm, of overall US foreign policy. President Jimmy Carter advocated this agenda.
The Politics of Palestine
It may still be possible to imagine a just political resolution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. But, in the real world, politics is not the work of our imagination.
Steps the FBI Must Take to Remedy Misinformation Campaign about Arabs and Muslims
There are times when I see a really hideous looking building and I think "that monstrosity didn't just happen. Someone designed it. Someone approved it.

Arab Peace Initiative: 10 Years Later
It has been 10 years since the Arab League endorsed the Arab Peace Initiative (API), in which the leaders of the Arab World asserted that they would recognize and normalize relations with Israel if Israel were to withdraw from the territories occupied in the 1967 war and negotiate with the Palestinians a resolution of their decades-old conflict.
Stopping Syria’s Descent into Hell
Syria continues its long, slow descent into hell, with violence and tragedy showing no let up. By now, one year into this horror, it has become clear that neither side can win an easy victory, reaffirming the adage that there can be "no victor and no vanquished.
Netanyahu Visits a Different Washington, He Hopes
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu hopes he is coming to a very different Washington this week. From his perspective, past visits have all been marred by that "pesky" Palestinian issue.
Romney and GOP in Trouble
Whether or not former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney wins Tuesday's primary contests in Michigan and Arizona, he is in trouble, and both he and the Republican Party leadership know it.
Anthony Shadid: A Man for Others
New York Times' reporter, Anthony Shadid died unexpectedly this week. With his passing we lose America's finest reporter on Arab World issues—at the time when Americans need his work more than ever.