Washington Watch Articles From 2013

The Challenges of the New Year
A few months back, the Arab World was shaken by a New York Times article claiming to detail Obama Administration's efforts to disengage from the Middle East in order to facilitate its "pivot toward the East".

A Precarious Christmas
In the face of growing insecurity, Christians throughout the Arab East will soon be celebrating Christmas.

Mandela and Arafat II
Last week, I wrote a piece about a poster that has been hanging in my office for more than two decades.

What Iranians Think
We've heard what Israel Prime Minister and members of the U.S. Congress think about the interim nuclear deal the Iranian government concluded with the P5 + 1. What we don’t know is how the Iranian people will react? What do Iranians want from their newly elected government and how will this deal play at home?

Using and Abusing Polls
By now, I should be used to the fact that people will "cherry-pick" polls or try to "spin" results to fit their agendas. But, it still rankles.

One Step at a Time— the Gabr Fellows' Story
In the midst of the confusion and uncertainty that characterizes current US-Egypt relations and with American and Egyptian attitudes toward each other having plummeted to all-time lows, I recently had the opportunity to participate in a "little" gem of a project that shows a way forward.

Dearborn's Arab Americans: the Promise of the City's Future
For those of us who've worked with Dearborn Michigan's Arab American community during the past three decades, victories in this past week's municipal elections were more than just big news.
Focus on Palestinians’ Rights
Palestinian and Israeli negotiators are meeting in the latest chapter of the decades-long saga of on-again, off-again peace talks. With no leaks, and even less optimism, there is only speculation about how the talks are going or whether any agreement is even possible.

The Roots of Our Political Dysfunction
Political commentators have been working overtime trying to explain why and how American politics have become the dysfunctional mess the world saw on display in recent weeks.
Lebanon Requires Immediate Attention
Immediate attention must be paid to Lebanon, lest it becomes an additional casualty of the horrific war raging next door. As it is, the country is on the brink. We know that Lebanon's fractious sect-based political system has been strained by the Syrian war.
Tunisians Say "Enough"
It appears that Tunisians, like the Egyptians before them, have had enough of the Muslim Brotherhood party and want a change in direction in their country.

A Good Week for Diplomacy
By any measure, this was a big week for diplomacy at the United Nations.

Arab Myths Distort Understanding Of American Policy
As I attempted to demonstrate in "Arab Voices: What They Are Saying and Why It Matters" we, in the West, are still mystified by the Arab World.
Arab American Democrats in Charlotte
This week I will be in Charlotte, North Carolina where I will be participating in my eighth Democratic Convention.

Tragedy and Nonsense
Any honest assessment of the events unfolding across Egypt will recognize that they have all the aspects of a classic tragedy.

Egyptian Attitudes in the Post-Tammarud, Post Morsi Era
During the second half of July, Zogby Research Services (ZRS) conducted a nation-wide face-to-face survey of 5,042 Egyptian adults in an effort to learn how they were reacting to developments in the post-Tamarrud, post-Morsi era, as well as their assessment of the US-Egypt relationship.
Israeli-Palestinian Negotiations Will Require Public Support
There are plenty of reasons to be cynical about U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry's relaunch of Israeli-Palestinian peace talks.

Saving the Arab Levant
Anyone who cares about the Arab World has to be profoundly shaken by the unraveling that is taking place across the Levant. Reviewing events unfolding from Iraq in the East to Lebanon in the West can give one the distinct feeling that the region is on a path leading to self-destruction.
It's Just the Beginning
Two events jolted the Israeli/Palestinian arena this past week: Secretary of State John Kerry's announcement that, after a three year hiatus, Israeli and Palestinian negotiators will once again meet to begin peace talks, and the European Commission announced guidelines that will ban European assistance to Israeli enterprises, institutions, or individuals operating from the occupied Palestinian territories.

Reframe the Immigration Debate as an American Story
In October of 1984 I attended the annual dinner of the National Italian American Foundation (NAIF) and heard campaign speeches delivered by then President Ronald Reagan and former Vice-President Walter Mondale.