Washington Watch Articles From 2014
Biases versus Realities
Western biases are not only transparently self-serving and flat-out wrong, they can also be so annoying.
Language Matters
While reviewing polling data on Israeli and Palestinian attitudes toward the current US-led peace effort, what comes through quite clearly is not just the obvious disconnect between the views of both groups, but the extent to which this disconnect is driven by the Israeli-centric language used in framing many of the issues covered in these polls.
AIPAC and CPAC Come to Town
This past week, Washington hosted two of my least favorite annual events. It began with the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) bringing their faithful to town to lobby for whatever the government of Israel might want at this particular moment.
The Ukrainian Struggle Is Right
The Ukrainian struggle for independence speaks to me on so many levels. Because I know the history of the Ukraine, I understand their resentment and fear of their often domineering Russian neighbor.