Washington Watch Articles From 2014

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The US-Saudi Meeting  

President Obama's upcoming meeting with Saudi Arabia's King Abdullah comes at a time when transformative developments are convulsing the regional and world order and relations between the US and the Kingdom have become strained.

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Language Matters   

While reviewing polling data on Israeli and Palestinian attitudes toward the current US-led peace effort, what comes through quite clearly is not just the obvious disconnect between the views of both groups, but the extent to which this disconnect is driven by the Israeli-centric language used in framing many of the issues covered in these polls.  

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AIPAC and CPAC Come to Town 

This past week, Washington hosted two of my least favorite annual events. It began with the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) bringing their faithful to town to lobby for whatever the government of Israel might want at this particular moment.

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Netanyahu's Games 

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu never tires of inventing new hoops through which he insists Palestinians jump. As he acknowledged a few weeks back, it's all part of a cynical game that he plays in an effort to kill the chances for peace.  

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The Ukrainian Struggle Is Right  

The Ukrainian struggle for independence speaks to me on so many levels. Because I know the history of the Ukraine, I understand their resentment and fear of their often domineering Russian neighbor.

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Jesse Jackson, 1984: A Transformative Campaign 

This past week I traveled to New York City to speak at an event honoring the 30th anniversary of the 1984 Jesse Jackson for President campaign. It was an opportunity to reflect on the remarkable political transformations made possible by that historic movement.

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Black History Month

This is Black History Month in the United States— a time to reflect on the contributions African Americans have made to our nation's history and to take note of the progress that has been made in advancing racial equality and the challenges that remain. 

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This Time Must Be Different
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This Time Must Be Different

Two decades after Israeli and Palestinian leaders signed an interim peace agreement in Washington, DC, the task of achieving a final resolution to the conflict has become significantly more difficult. Not only have the physical impediments to peace grown--  for example, the number of Israeli settlers living on occupied Palestinian lands has increased three-fold to more than a half-million-- but the political ground today is less fertile than it was back then. 

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Syria: Enough Is Enough
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Syria: Enough Is Enough

I wish I could be optimistic about Geneva II, but I cannot. That it happened at all is good. But "good for what" remains unclear. Listening to the speeches at the opening session established quite convincingly that none of the participants were ready to deal with the reality of what has become the most horrific tragedy of this new century. 

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Myths that Are Impediments to Peace
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Myths that Are Impediments to Peace

In a meeting I had this week with a Congressional candidate, I was reminded of the power of the myths that define conventional wisdom about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and the challenge they pose for rational discourse. In rapid succession my visitor rattled off a number of statements revealing how much he didn't know about the conflict and how steep the climb for those who seek a just peace. 

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Take a Deep Breath

At this point we have no idea what US Secretary of State John Kerry is going to propose to the Israelis and Palestinians.

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