Washington Watch Articles From 2015
Trump and Co. Deepening the Divide on Arabs and Muslims
Donald Trump and his GOP colleagues have exposed the depth of the divide in attitudes over the role of American Muslims in US society. The results of a recent Zogby poll establish that the divide is more existential than merely rhetorical, and is more demographic than simply partisan.
The Descent Into Madness, Part II
The roots of our nation's current descent into madness can be traced back to a series of unresolved catastrophic traumas Americans experienced during the Bush Administration.
We Have Gone Temporarily Mad, Again
It has been frightening to listen to the intolerant and near hysterical tone of the debate over admitting Syrian refugees into America.
Invisible Victims
Everyone made nice, when Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu came to Washington last week. It was make up time. The Administration sought to demonstrate that despite, what the President referred to as their "minor difference" over the Iran deal, there were no remaining hard feelings.
An American Pope with a Challenge for America
I was privileged to have been in attendance at many of Pope Francis' Washington events this past week. What came through so very clearly is that Francis is an American pope with a profoundly American message.
Thank You Julian Bond
When Julian Bond died last week, every major news outlet featured tributes praising his more than five decades of leadership in the struggle for civil rights.

An Open Letter to: Secretary of State John Kerry and Attorney General Loretta Lynch
No American citizen should be subjected to the treatment that George Khoury and Habib Joudeh received when they arrived at Ben Gurion Airport in Israel last month.
Shedding Imperial Conceit
In the summer of 1971, I spent some time in London on my way to Lebanon where I was to begin my dissertation research.

A Smart New Washington Project
I was asked by the Atlantic Council to appear at the launch of their "Middle East Strategy Task Force" (MEST) to present a report on how Arab public opinion views the challenges facing their region as well as their assessment of the role the United States can play in addressing these concerns.

An Initiative Worth Supporting
I have written before of some of my Palestinian American heroes, including men like Ibrahim Abu-Lughod and Zahi Khouri. I want to add to that list, my friend, Sam Bahour.
A Night to Remember
Our annual Khalil Gibran "Spirit of Humanity" Awards Dinner serves as a reminder of why we do the work we do.
Acknowledging the Past
I expected that I would be attacked for my column on the Armenian Genocide. Criticism can be good and, if constructive, can provide a springboard to discussion.
Preying on Anti-Arab Bias
Delta Airlines is leading an effort to petition the US government to sanction Etihad Airlines, Emirates Airlines, and Qatar Air.
Killing Off Myths
Some of the myths that drive Arab discourse about American behavior in the Middle East are fascinating for what they say about our relationship with the region.
Netanyahu’s Legacy: a Fractured Israel and a Divided America
In a few days, Israel's Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu will mount the podium of the US Congress to speak before a joint session of the House and Senate. He will use the occasion to blast Iran and issue dire warnings about the current US-led negotiations designed to limit Iran's nuclear program.
Obama: “Pitch Perfect”
I must admit that I was somewhat skeptical as I approached this week's "White House Summit on Countering Violent Extremism" (CVE). I was concerned that it might end up being nothing more than a "box-checking" exercise.
Obama: Sound Theology and Smart Politics
President Obama's remarks, last week, at the annual National Prayer Breakfast were theologically sound and politically smart. In spite of this, his comments set off a storm of criticism from conservative critics who took him to task for both his theology and his politics.
Jindal: from Rhodes Scholar to Dangerous Demagogue
A few weeks back, Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal delivered a speech to the Henry Jackson Society in London focusing on the dangers "radical Islam" poses to the world's "freedom loving people".