Washington Watch Articles From 2015
The GOP: Reaping What It Sowed
The 2016 Republican presidential contest has barely begun and it has already grown alternately tiresome and old or just downright scary.

CVE in the US: More Harm Than Good
Congress is currently considering legislation that would create a whole new bureaucracy within the Department of Homeland Security to deal with "countering violent extremism" (CVE).
A US-Iran Realignment Is Not in the Cards
With the conclusion of the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) between the P5+1 and Iran, some are panicking in despair, while others have visions of a dramatically realigned Middle East.

Deal or No Deal
Here in Washington and across the Middle East, many are holding their breath awaiting news of the outcome of the P5+1 negotiations with Iran: some, in hopeful anticipation; others with a sense of dread.

Oren's Orgy of Self-Justification
In his new book, "Ally: My Journey Across the American-Israeli Divide", former Israeli Ambassador to the US, Michael Oren, relates how late one night he received a frantic call from Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu alerting him to the fact that the Palestinians were preparing to petition the United Nations to recognize Palestine as a state.
Shedding Imperial Conceit
In the summer of 1971, I spent some time in London on my way to Lebanon where I was to begin my dissertation research.
Shedding Imperial Conceit
In the summer of 1971, I spent some time in London on my way to Lebanon where I was to begin my dissertation research.
Racism and Gun Violence Are Killing Us, Literally
This week, Americans were shocked by another horrific act of mass murder.
BDS: A Legitimate and Moral Response to Israeli Policy
The Israeli government response to the "Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions" (BDS) movement has been predictable.

A Smart New Washington Project
I was asked by the Atlantic Council to appear at the launch of their "Middle East Strategy Task Force" (MEST) to present a report on how Arab public opinion views the challenges facing their region as well as their assessment of the role the United States can play in addressing these concerns.
GCC Business Leaders Remain Confident In the Face of Regional Challenges
Despite a precipitous decline in oil revenues, continuing conflicts in Syria, Iraq, and Yemen, and concern with Iran's agenda, business leaders in key Arab Gulf countries remain quite confident about economic prospects for their region.
Who's to Blame for the Mess in Iraq?
Despite the prolonged US-led coalition bombing campaign, the so-called "Islamic State" (IS) recently won victories in Iraq expanding the area under its control.
New York Times Ignores Dangerous Consequences of Pro-Israel Amendment to TPA
The New York Times' coverage of Congressional antics related to the Trade Promotion Authority (TPA) legislation has ignored so many critical aspects of the bill that it might be time for the "paper of record" to change its motto from "All the news that's fit to print" to "All the news we think fits, we print".

An Initiative Worth Supporting
I have written before of some of my Palestinian American heroes, including men like Ibrahim Abu-Lughod and Zahi Khouri. I want to add to that list, my friend, Sam Bahour.
A Night to Remember
Our annual Khalil Gibran "Spirit of Humanity" Awards Dinner serves as a reminder of why we do the work we do.
Acknowledging the Past
I expected that I would be attacked for my column on the Armenian Genocide. Criticism can be good and, if constructive, can provide a springboard to discussion.
If the US Wants Arabs as Partners, We Must Treat Them As Such
Arab leaders cautiously welcomed the P5+1 framework with Iran.
Acknowledging the Armenian Genocide
In less than two weeks we will commemorate the 100th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide.
Preying on Anti-Arab Bias
Delta Airlines is leading an effort to petition the US government to sanction Etihad Airlines, Emirates Airlines, and Qatar Air.
The Palestinian Arab Citizens of Israel: Pointing the Way Forward
In 1971, I was in Beirut on a grant from my university to conduct research for my doctoral dissertation on the emergence of Palestinian national consciousness.