Washington Watch Articles From 2016
GCC Countries Score High in "Quality of Life" Survey
Citizens in several of the Arab Gulf states appear to have a higher appreciation for the quality of life available to them in their countries than do citizens in most European countries.
"Hints" of an End to Yemen's Nightmare
For decades now, Yemen's people have suffered from bad governance, underdevelopment, and prolonged civil conflict. Despite enduring these multiple hardships, Yemenis have largely been ignored by the rest of the world.
We Need More From Our Candidates
I have long argued that how candidates for high office speak about the Middle East should be a critical test of their capacity to lead our nation.
Muslim Millennials’ Views on Religion
At the close of 2015, Zogby Research Services (ZRS) conducted face to face polling of 5,374 Muslim youth between the ages of 15 to 34 in eight Arab countries: