Washington Watch Articles From 2018
Flashback 30 Years: Lessons to Learn, Work to Do
Thirty years ago, I mounted the podium of the Democratic National Convention in Atlanta, Georgia to open the first ever political party debate on Palestinian rights.
What About Israel's Airport Mistreatment of Arab Americans?
This past week the New York Times ran an article, "Israeli Airport Detention of Prominent U.S. Jew Prompts Uproar," focusing on the airport harassment received by Peter Beinart, a prominent liberal writer and TV commentator.
It Bears Repeating: Foolish Wars Have Consequences
Fifteen years ago, we were still in the early stages of the US invasion and occupation of Iraq, "the war that would change everything.
The "Jewish Nation-State" Bill
This past week by a vote of 62 to 55, Israel's Knesset passed legislation called "Israel as a Nation-State of the Jewish People.
Thank You, Ireland
On Wednesday morning, I watched an amazing debate unfolding in the Irish Seanad (Senate), as members spoke for and against a bill to prohibit the importation of Israeli goods produced in settlements in occupied Palestinian lands.
Reporting Hate Crimes: The Arab American Experience
Next week, the Arab American Institute Foundation will release a comprehensive study on anti-Arab hate crimes in the US.
The Consequences of Upholding Trump’s Ban
The Supreme Court decision upholding the Trump Administration's infamous "Muslim ban" will have consequences far beyond its restriction on visas for nationals from the affected countries.
Lasting Damage to the "Idea of America"
The sights and sounds of Central American children being ripped from their parents by US Border Patrol officers have, by now, spread across the globe. The experience has been traumatizing to its victims and deeply painful to watch.
Fifteen Years Later: The Consequences of a Foolish War
Fifteen years ago, we were still in the early stages of the US invasion and occupation of Iraq - "the war that would change everything.
The Liberal's Lament
I find it exceptionally irritating when I hear liberals worry about whether Israel will be able to remain a "Jewish and Democratic State" if it retains control of occupied Palestinian lands. It's irritating because Israel is not now a democratic state nor has it ever tried to be one.