Washington Watch Articles From 2019

The Importance of Knowing Bethlehem
I have long been troubled by the way so many believing Christians in the West have either been ignorant of or turned their backs on the plight of Palestinians, both Christian and Muslim.
Trump Wanted to Be Impeached
At the very moment that the US Congress was voting to impeach him, Donald Trump was having the time of his life haranguing the crowd at Michigan campaign rally.
Overlooked Congressional Rebuke of Trump's Position on Israeli Settlements
The most stunning rebuke to the Trump Administration's unilateral effort to legitimize Israeli settlements didn't come from Arab and European leaders.
A Second Nakba in the Making
Two years ago Friday, President Donald Trump formally recognized Jerusalem as Israel's capital.
Trump Is Dismantling the International Order
The Trump Administration’s declaration that Israeli settlements in occupied Palestinian lands are not illegal was, in fact, a consequential act – though not for the reasons cited by Israelis or Palestinians.
The Trump Administration’s declaration
The Trump Administration’s declaration that Israeli settlements in occupied Palestinian lands are not illegal was, in fact, a consequential act – though not for the reasons cited by Israelis or Palestinians.
Netanyahu's Real Crimes
After years of investigation and months of delay, Israel's Attorney General Avichai Mandelblit formally indicted Benjamin Netanyahu for crimes ranging from his violation of public trust to bribery and fraud.
Netanyahu's Real Crimes
After years of investigation and months of delay, Israel's Attorney General Avichai Mandelblit formally indicted Benjamin Netanyahu for crimes ranging from his violation of public trust to bribery and fraud.
The Cycle of Death Continues
One evening, almost two decades ago, I was on CNN's "Crossfire" sitting opposite a Democratic Congressman (who is no longer in office, having repeatedly disgraced himself in "sexting" scandals).
The Cycle of Death Continues
One evening, almost two decades ago, I was on CNN's "Crossfire" sitting opposite a Democratic Congressman (who is no longer in office, having repeatedly disgraced himself in "sexting" scandals).
Will the 2020 Election Heal or Deepen the Divide?
For a growing number of Americans on both sides of our ever-deepening political divide, the 2020 presidential election has become a critical contest about the future of our country.
Listen to the Lebanese People
In 2012, I wrote an article about Lebanon that still rings true today. It ended with a quote from one of my favorite pieces written by Kahlil Gibran "You Have Your Lebanon, I Have My Lebanon."
Listen to the Lebanese People
In 2012, I wrote an article about Lebanon that still rings true today. It ended with a quote from one of my favorite pieces written by Kahlil Gibran "You Have Your Lebanon, I Have My Lebanon."

“Attention Must Be Paid” to the Sufferings of the Palestinian People
With mass protests roiling Lebanon and Iraq, unsettling developments in Syria and Yemen, and the latest episode of the continuing soap opera that calls itself Israeli politics, little attention is being given to the plight of the Palestinians.
“Attention Must Be Paid” to the Sufferings of the Palestinian People
With mass protests roiling Lebanon and Iraq, unsettling developments in Syria and Yemen, and the latest episode of the continuing soap opera that calls itself Israeli politics, little attention is being given to the plight of the Palestinians.
In the Wake of Trump’s Broken Promises: The Need for an Arab Strategy
When Donald Trump was first elected, I warned Arab friends to be careful not to put their all of their eggs in a basket that I had every reason to believe would soon unravel.
In the Wake of Trump’s Broken Promises: The Need for an Arab Strategy
When Donald Trump was first elected, I warned Arab friends to be careful not to put their all of their eggs in a basket that I had every reason to believe would soon unravel.

The Straw That Broke the Camel’s Back?
I have never forgotten a political cartoon that appeared in the midst of the Watergate impeachment investigation. It caricatured the strange relationship evangelical Christians had with then President Richard Nixon, and speaks to me today of way the current group of right-wing preachers are dealing with President Donald Trump.

Our Democracy in Crisis?
I don't know which metaphor to use to describe the current crisis in our politics because so many come to mind. Are we at a tipping point? The edge of a cliff? Or sitting on a volcano waiting for it to explode? You can choose one or all, because we are in a place we've never been before and it's dangerous.

Our Democracy in Crisis?
I don't know which metaphor to use to describe the current crisis in our politics because so many come to mind.