Washington Watch Articles From 2019
Trump Is Dismantling the International Order
The Trump Administration’s declaration that Israeli settlements in occupied Palestinian lands are not illegal was, in fact, a consequential act – though not for the reasons cited by Israelis or Palestinians.
Netanyahu's Real Crimes
After years of investigation and months of delay, Israel's Attorney General Avichai Mandelblit formally indicted Benjamin Netanyahu for crimes ranging from his violation of public trust to bribery and fraud.
Democratic Voters Have Known for Some Time What Some Liberals Are Just Now Coming to Terms With: Israel is an Occupier
There has been a chorus of liberal lamentations over the flap created by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s decision to deny two US Congresswomen, Rashida Tlaib (MI-D) and Ilhan Omar (MN-D), the right to visit occupied Palestinian lands.
US Complicity in Israel’s Violations of International Law
Last week I addressed a United Nations Security Council meeting on "Israeli Settlements.
Playing 20 Questions to Figure Out the "Deal of the Century"
I believe that it was Henry Kissinger who described his approach to running Arab-Israeli negotiations as creating the illusion of momentum to compensate for the lack of momentum.
Why I’m Glad Netanyahu Won
I'm glad Benjamin Netanyahu won reelection. Since I realize that saying this won't sit well with many folks, let me explain:
Bringing Back Memories of the Nightmarish Israeli Invasion of Lebanon
The New York Times headline on April 4th was simple enough, "After 37-Year Search, Israel Recovers Body of a Fallen Soldier," but the memories it dredged up were both painful and complicated.
The Shameful Attack that Backfired
What happened to Congresswoman Ilhan Omar was troubling. On the one hand, because she dared to challenge the way supporters of Israel have worked to silence debate on US policy toward the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, she became a victim of incitement, and the target of legislation meant to shame her.
Game Over!
Hardline supporters of Israel are in panic mode. It was in evidence earlier this week with the all-out assault on the first Somali, African-born immigrant, refugee, Muslim woman elected to serve in the US Congress.
A Weakly Inflated Trial Balloon
This week a well-known Israeli journalist revealed what he said were new details about the Trump administration's Israeli-Palestinian peace plan.

Republicans Play “Israel Card” and Fail
As this past week began, with the shutdown of parts of the US government entering its third week, Republicans, desperate to force the Democrat's hand, decided to play the "Israel card." The effort failed.
A Historic Day in Congress
I spent Thursday morning at the offices of two new Members of Congress, Rashida Tlaib of Michigan and Ilhan Omar of Minnesota. The scenes at both were just delightful.