Washington Watch Articles From 2019
Will the 2020 Election Heal or Deepen the Divide?
For a growing number of Americans on both sides of our ever-deepening political divide, the 2020 presidential election has become a critical contest about the future of our country.
In the Wake of Trump’s Broken Promises: The Need for an Arab Strategy
When Donald Trump was first elected, I warned Arab friends to be careful not to put their all of their eggs in a basket that I had every reason to believe would soon unravel.
The "Faustian Deal"
While much has been already been written about President Donald Trump recent racist taunts against four first-term women Members of Congress, I have a few observations of my own to make.
Playing 20 Questions to Figure Out the "Deal of the Century"
I believe that it was Henry Kissinger who described his approach to running Arab-Israeli negotiations as creating the illusion of momentum to compensate for the lack of momentum.
As the 2020 Presidential Contest Begins, Democrats Need to Refocus
We’re off to the races - the 2020 presidential races, that is. Since the beginning of the year, at regular intervals, new candidates have been coming forward to announce their intention to compete for the presidency.
A Weakly Inflated Trial Balloon
This week a well-known Israeli journalist revealed what he said were new details about the Trump administration's Israeli-Palestinian peace plan.