Washington Watch Articles From 2019
Trump Is Dismantling the International Order
The Trump Administration’s declaration that Israeli settlements in occupied Palestinian lands are not illegal was, in fact, a consequential act – though not for the reasons cited by Israelis or Palestinians.
Will the 2020 Election Heal or Deepen the Divide?
For a growing number of Americans on both sides of our ever-deepening political divide, the 2020 presidential election has become a critical contest about the future of our country.
In the Wake of Trump’s Broken Promises: The Need for an Arab Strategy
When Donald Trump was first elected, I warned Arab friends to be careful not to put their all of their eggs in a basket that I had every reason to believe would soon unravel.

Our Democracy in Crisis?
I don't know which metaphor to use to describe the current crisis in our politics because so many come to mind.
We Have a Problem: Guns
Once again, mass shootings are in the US headlines. And in the aftermath of yet another massacre of innocents, we are in the throes of what has become patterned ritual behavior.
Made for TV Presidential Debates: Forgettable Candidates and Irritating Format
I've just returned from Detroit, Michigan, where I attended the second set of Democratic Party presidential primary debates. For many reasons, the debates were a frustrating experience.
The "Faustian Deal"
While much has been already been written about President Donald Trump recent racist taunts against four first-term women Members of Congress, I have a few observations of my own to make.
Most Democratic Candidates Still Afraid to Criticize Israel's Violations of Palestinian Rights
The attitudes of Democratic voters toward the Israeli-Palestinian conflict have become decidedly more balanced in the past two decades. Favorable attitudes toward Palestinians are up while attitudes toward Israel appear to be in decline.

Challenging the Presidential Candidates to Discuss the Middle East in Iowa 2020
IOWA CITY, IOWA – I'm writing from Iowa where I've been speaking to audiences of activists and helping to organize "Concerned Iowans for Middle East Peace (CIMEP)" – a coalition committed to Palestinian human rights and a just Middle East peace.
The Shameful Attack that Backfired
What happened to Congresswoman Ilhan Omar was troubling. On the one hand, because she dared to challenge the way supporters of Israel have worked to silence debate on US policy toward the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, she became a victim of incitement, and the target of legislation meant to shame her.
Game Over!
Hardline supporters of Israel are in panic mode. It was in evidence earlier this week with the all-out assault on the first Somali, African-born immigrant, refugee, Muslim woman elected to serve in the US Congress.
As the 2020 Presidential Contest Begins, Democrats Need to Refocus
We’re off to the races - the 2020 presidential races, that is. Since the beginning of the year, at regular intervals, new candidates have been coming forward to announce their intention to compete for the presidency.
A Weakly Inflated Trial Balloon
This week a well-known Israeli journalist revealed what he said were new details about the Trump administration's Israeli-Palestinian peace plan.