Washington Watch Articles From 2020
Palestinians: Victims of “Cancel Culture”
In the very month in which I read articles condemning the “cancel culture” – which some apply exclusively to the “left’s efforts to silence or shame views with which they disagree” – several disturbing incidents caught my attention.
The Accords and the Future of Israel/Palestine
In the weeks following the signing of agreements between Israel and the UAE and Bahrain, I was struck by the some of the commentary by Israeli and Palestinian writers and analysts. While the views expressed by each side were polar opposites and equally hyperbolic, they were both were wildly wrong.
Absent, But Needed: A Palestinian Vision
This week, the news that all the Palestinian factions were meeting might have been a hopeful sign, since Zogby Research Service (ZRS) polling shows that what Palestinians most want from their leaders are unity and a strategy that will move them toward realization of their rights. It was, therefore, somewhat disappointing to read reports of the speeches delivered at the gathering, since they appeared to be long on denunciation and short on strategy or vision.
Don’t Shoot the Messenger
Because we should care about what people are thinking about critical issues, polling is important. It opens a window so we can hear the voices of public opinion and make intelligent policy decisions. Sometimes, poll results affirm what we believe to be true and we feel gratified. On other occasions, the findings run counter to our expectations and we face a dilemma.