Washington Watch Articles From 2025

Trump’s War on History and Education
Significant attention and/or concern has been generated by President Donald Trump’s early Executive Orders and actions.

The Damage Being Done
The combined efforts of President Donald Trump, Republicans in Congress, and pro-Israel groups, like the Anti-Defamation League, have declared war on the liberal ideals of freedom of speech and assembly and the very idea of the university.

Comparing Trump’s First and Second Terms
Among the significant differences between Donald Trump’s first term as president in 2017 and his return to the White House in 2025, this time around he appears more in control and better prepared. And despite the drastic measures of his first weeks in office, the opposition he is facing appears more subdued and less focused.

Don’t Scapegoat Arab Americans
There’s an insidious blame game occurring on social media. Whenever President Donald Trump takes one of his outrageous actions, Arab Americans are subjected to a flood of abusive messages.

Observations on Carter’s Funeral and Trump’s Return
This past week, Washington DC was witness to a stark study in contrasts: The solemn dignity involved in the nation’s farewell to former President Jimmy Carter and the blustery antics accompanying former President Donald Trump’s impending return to the White House.