July 2006

July 2006

Mutual misconceptions: Arabs need a lot more public diplomacy in the U.S.

By James Zogby

WASHINGTON — Current debates in the United States over the many aspects of Middle East policy point to a disturbing reality: Americans do not know the Arab world, its people or its culture.

October 2020

October 2020

Targeting Arabs and Muslims

By James Zogby
Donald Trump isn’t the first Republican to use demonization of Arabs and Muslims as a campaign tactic. And his Administration isn’t the first to implement policies that have adversely affected these communities. But while we have a century of such behaviors, the Trump era has elevated them to a level so dangerous it is imperative that they now finally be confronted and defeated.

October 2010

October 2010

Myth Buster: James Zogby, a Catholic of Lebanese descent, works to dispel myths about Arabs

By Monica Hesse
In the early days after 9/11, employees of the Arab American Institute huddled in their modest K Street offices, afraid to leave the building. Police downstairs guarded the entrance, serving as protection from those who might deliver on the death threats sent to the nonprofit's founder and president, James Zogby. Raghead, they had said. I'll slit your throat.

December 2019

December 2019

Trump delivered a fatal blow to peace in the Holy Land

Opinion by James Zogby

(CNN)Two years ago Friday, President Donald Trump formally recognized Jerusalem as Israel's capital. It was an irresponsible, dangerous and cruelly insensitive act that did grave damage to the rights and well-being of Palestinians and put an end to any pretense that the United States could help negotiate a resolution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.