Washington Watch Articles From 2024

Pete McCloskey: An American Hero 
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Pete McCloskey: An American Hero 

Former Congressman Pete McCloskey died last week at the age of 96. By any definition of the word, Pete was a hero. He was courageous and selfless on the battlefield, fearless and principled in elective office, an advocate for justice and equity, and, in all instances, a truth-teller even when he paid a price for speaking out. 

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When Displays of Strength Mask Weakness 
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When Displays of Strength Mask Weakness 

The brilliant Palestinian Fayez Sayegh once wrote that when pro-Israel groups appeared to be at their strongest, they were only masking the fact that they were at their weakest. This is clear in the contrast of Israel’s sharp decline in standing among many demographic groups of American voters and the actions and statements by Congress and pro-Israel groups, particularly in evidence during the past week.

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The Impact of the Student Protests on Biden’s Re-elect 
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The Impact of the Student Protests on Biden’s Re-elect 

University student protests against US support for Israel’s war in Gaza have spread like wildfire. At last count, there have been sustained demonstrations on over 200 campuses. More recently, students have taken to establishing protest encampments in the center of some campuses. This began last week at Columbia University in New York. Ten days later there were encampments at almost four dozen universities.

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1982 Versus 2024: A Tale of Three Cities 
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1982 Versus 2024: A Tale of Three Cities 

This past weekend, I was supposed to travel to Chicago for the Arab American Democratic Club’s annual candidates’ brunch. Illness prevented my travel. Instead, I’m writing what I was going to say in my keynote remarks, hoping that it will help both younger and older Arab Americans better understand how much has changed for the community over the past four decades.

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Things That Should But Can’t Be Said 
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Things That Should But Can’t Be Said 

Four months into Israel’s genocidal assault on Gaza, one might have thought that American policymakers and commentators would have learned some lessons. Instead, their discussions about the conflict appear to remain trapped in the same tiresome and, at times, delusional framing that existed before the current fighting began.

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