Washington Watch Articles From 2024

Biden’s Legacy: Complicity in Israel’s Gaza War
History will not be kind to the presidency of Joseph Biden when it evaluates his administration’s handling of Israel’s genocidal war on Gaza. At best, his response will be judged weak and feckless. At worst, he will be seen as enabling of or even complicitous in the crimes committed.

Questions That Must Be Asked
Why—in the midst of critical negotiations to implement President Biden’s plan to bring about a ceasefire in Gaza, release Israelis held captive by Hamas and a significant number of Palestinians held by Israel, and move toward a negotiated permanent end to the conflict—would Israeli leader Benjamin Netanyahu decide to assassinate the chief Hamas negotiator while he was visiting Iran? And why—while the US says it was working to deescalate tensions with Lebanon’s Hezbollah—would Israel choose to up the ante by assassinating Hezbollah’s number two?

Biden/Trump Redux?
Even before US President Joe Biden dropped out of the race on Sunday, November’s presidential election had become a dizzying rollercoaster ride.

My Recommendations to the Democratic Platform Committee
This week, I submitted testimony on Israel/Palestine to the Democratic Party’s Platform Committee. This is my 11th convention and the ninth time I’ve been engaged in discussions regarding the platform, either as a member of the drafting committee, negotiating language with the campaigns, or simply presenting testimony, as I am doing this year.

The Challenge Democrats Must Face
While there has long been concern about President Biden’s age and his ability to run an effective campaign, many Democrats have resisted any discussion of replacing him at the top of the ticket. They recognize that the president’s record on domestic issues has been a good one on which to run. They know that his persona directly challenges former President Trump’s appeal with white working-class voters in key battleground states. And they are afraid of the uncertainties that might accompany his stepping down.

The Peace Plan: Confusion or Deception?
After eight months of the Biden administration’s frustrating moves toward Israel’s war on Gaza, in recent weeks they unveiled the most confounding move of all.

Why Did Biden Open the SOTU With Ukraine & Close With Gaza?
President Joseph Biden faced heady tasks as he delivered this year’s State of the Union address to Congress.

The Message from Michigan
The message sent last Tuesday by more than one hundred thousand Michigan Democrats who cast their ballots for “uncommitted” was crystal clear.

A Different Kind of Armageddon Election
Twenty years ago, my brother John Zogby called that year’s presidential contest “the Armageddon Election.” He was referring to the way each side was characterizing the dangers to the country and the world should the other side win.

Working for a Ceasefire, From the Bottom Up
Despite the Biden administration’s refusal to back a ceasefire that would help end Israel’s genocidal assault on Gaza, momentum is growing across the US calling on the administration to reverse course.

Biden Should Heed Democratic Voters on Gaza
2024 may be the first election in which the issues involving Palestinian rights may impact the outcome. Over the past several decades, elections have been fought over a range of domestic and foreign policy concerns - from civil rights and abortion to the wars in Vietnam and Iraq.