Washington Watch Articles From 2024

Need to Remember: Palestinians in Gaza are Still Suffering
It’s disturbing how the US news media flits from story to story, seemingly incapable of sustaining attention on events that require it.

Biden’s Legacy: Complicity in Israel’s Gaza War
History will not be kind to the presidency of Joseph Biden when it evaluates his administration’s handling of Israel’s genocidal war on Gaza. At best, his response will be judged weak and feckless. At worst, he will be seen as enabling of or even complicitous in the crimes committed.

The Gaza War Won’t End by Imposing a “Solution” on Palestinians
One century ago, when Western European powers were planning to carve up the Arab East, the US attempted to convince them to take a different path.

The Importance of Land Day to Palestinians
Land has always been central to the Palestinian national identity. I learned this lesson in 1971 when I spent time in Palestinian refugee camps in Lebanon and Jordan collecting people’s stories of the Nakbah.

First Recognize Palestinian Humanity
Guys in white shirts and ties in Washington and their counterparts in Israel are sitting around tables making plans for what they want to see after Israel ends its genocidal assault on Gaza (if they ever end it).