Washington Watch Articles From 2021

Christmas: Then and Now
The Christmas story as it is told in the West contains timeless elements that have shaped our culture in significant ways.

A Great Day for Philadelphia’s Arab Americans & Palestine
This past week, on November 29th, the City of Philadelphia officially celebrated the "International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People."
Biden’s First Year
It has been 300 days since Joseph Biden was inaugurated president. There's no question that he's had a rough go of it.

Neglect, Cynicism, and Nice But Too Late.
A quarter century ago, when the two-state solution was still possible and we were optimistic that there was a path to get there, I was co-chairing Builders for Peace (BfP), a post-Oslo project launched by then Vice President Al Gore.
Israel’s Problem with US Visa Waiver Program: Respecting Arab American Rights
In late August, Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett returned home after meetings with US President Joseph Biden and Secretary of State Anthony Blinken saying his "arms were full" — his upbeat way of describing the "goodies" he received from his American hosts.

Anti-Semitism & Anti-Arab Bigotry – Part I
Last week I spoke at a conference on anti-Semitism and anti-Arab racism hosted by the University of Southern California Annenberg School of Communications and co-sponsored by the Arab American Institute (AAI) and a few national American Jewish organizations.