Washington Watch Articles From 2023

Israel/Palestine Is Fracturing the Democratic Party
The war over Gaza has had an explosive and surprising impact on the cohesion of the Democratic coalition. For decades now, the American body politic has been fractured mainly over critical social and cultural issues ranging from race and gender to guns and immigration—more often than not with Republicans on one side and Democrats on the other. Only in rare instances have foreign policy concerns entered the equation and never in the way that Israel/Palestine has in recent weeks.

Can Biden Win Back Arab American Voters?
I’ve been organizing Arab Americans for almost a half century. For the past three decades, working with my brother, John Zogby, we've polled the community’s views on a range of political topics. I’ve learned to value polling because it opens a window and allows you to hear and understand what people are saying and what their views may portend for the future.
Trump Beats GOP
If we’ve learned anything during the leadup to the 2024 Republican primary contests, it’s that the Republican Party no longer exists—either as a body that represents, organizes, and governs its members and candidates, or as a policymaking entity that shapes the ideas around which Republicans coalesce.
Focus on the Trump Cult
Much has already been written regarding the indictments against former President Donald Trump. The crimes he is alleged to have committed have been examined. And his defense that this is a partisan political attack to derail his candidacy has been thoroughly critiqued.
Big Issues That Won’t Be Discussed in 2024
No sooner has one American election cycle ended than another begins. Those just elected begin raising money for the next round, while their consultants get busy advising them on which issues will be good for their reelection. As a result, the focus of our political debates and elections are more often than not driven by crass posturing geared toward a candidate’s personal or partisan advantage and less by serious policy concerns that serve our current and future needs.

How Arab Americans Will Vote in 2024
Twenty years ago, in the lead-up to the 2004 elections, the Arab American Institute (AAI) hosted a Democratic presidential forum that was attended by the eight major candidates who were running that year.
Looks Like Biden/Trump Replay in 2024
A 2024 Biden-Trump presidential campaign rematch may not be the contest that most Americans want. But in all likelihood, it will be the contest they’ll get.
Donald Trump vs. America
This article is not about the many pending criminal investigations and/or indictments facing former President Donald Trump on local, state, and federal levels.