Washington Watch Articles From 2023

Ukraine’s Day of Reckoning
It’s been more than two months since Ukraine was a front-page news in the US press. It had become an old story and was being displaced by the horrors unfolding daily in Gaza.
American Politics: A Dysfunctional Mess
In case you haven’t noticed, American politics are a dysfunctional mess. You might be excused for missing this sad reality, as the US never tires of chiding other countries for their lack of democratic institutions or their failure to adhere to or protect democratic values.
How the US Failed Oslo
The breakthrough of the Oslo Accords wasn’t to be found in its details. Rather it was in the opening sentences, in which the Israeli government and the Palestine Liberation Organization recognized one another’s legitimacy as representatives of two separate peoples and as negotiating partners.
American Democracy at Risk
There can be no question that American democracy is at risk. Just two years ago, thousands of insurrectionists stormed and occupied the Capitol building in a failed attempt to overthrow the results of the 2020 elections. They were supported by the majority of Republican members of Congress who falsely claimed the election outcome was fraudulent.