Washington Watch Articles From 2023

Ukraine’s Day of Reckoning
It’s been more than two months since Ukraine was a front-page news in the US press. It had become an old story and was being displaced by the horrors unfolding daily in Gaza.
NATO’s Caution Was Right
At the recently concluded NATO summit, while member states displayed continued resolve to provide Ukraine the material and political support needed to counter Russia’s assault, they would not agree to Prime Minister Zelenskyy’s demand to an expedited Ukrainian entry into NATO.

Not So Much a New Year, as a Continuation of Last Year
As 2022 draws to a close, we go through the familiar ritual of celebrating the end of the old year, while heralding the new one. There’s the false promise of change and new beginnings. We make resolutions—to stop smoking, lose weight, find more time to relax—the same ones we’ve made before and failed to keep, hoping against hope that this time will be different. Unfortunately, it won’t be, because it takes more than a new page on the calendar to alter our behaviors. What’s true for people is also true for the world in which we live.