Viewpoint with James Zogby - November 11, 2015 - Guest: Peter Fenn

November 11, 2015

Dr. Zogby is joined by Peter Fenn, president of the Fenn Communications Group. Prior to forming Fenn Communications Group, Mr. Fenn was the first Executive Director of Democrats for the 80’s, a political action committee founded by Pamela Harriman and then-Governor Bill Clinton. Peter also served on the staff of the Senate Intelligence Committee and as Washington Chief of Staff for Senator Frank Church. In 1983, Peter helped found and was the first Executive Director of the Center for Responsive Politics. In 1996 and 1998, the firm was chosen as the lead media consultants for the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee, producing ads that helped win back seats for the Democrats. Peter served as a surrogate spokesperson on cable news programs for Gore 2000, Kerry in 2004 and in the general election for Obama 2008.


Viewpoint with Jim Zogby: Paul Pillar on Counterterrorism


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