Washington Watch Articles From 2022
How Democrats Lost White Voters
While pundits will be focused on which party retains control of the Senate and Congress, there is a deeper issue at stake in this election - the polarization that has made our political dysfunctional.

The Challenge for Democrats
While the November midterm elections will be about a number of economic, social, and political issues, at its core the elections will be about which party and candidate voters feel cares most about them and has solutions that speak to their most basic needs.

Dark Money is Killing Open Debate and Free Elections
Twenty years ago when Congress passed the bipartisan McCain-Feingold bill on campaign finance reform , many celebrated what they hoped would be a new era in US politics. There were limits set for individual contributions and those of political action committees. All contributions in federal elections were to be reported to the Federal Election Commission and made available for public scrutiny. There was also a taxpayer fund established that would allow presidential candidates, if they wished, to secure matching funds for lower-level contributions to their campaigns, if they accepted a limit on their overall spending.
The Progressive/Moderate Battle in the Democratic Party
While the GOP’s internal battle is all about Trump and Trumpism, the conflict playing out on the Democratic side is between the party’s moderate and more progressive wings, and comes in two distinct forms.

We Are Sick About Guns
It’s difficult to find the words that adequately describe our feelings on first learning of the massacre of 19 children and two teachers in Texas last week.
Trump and Trumpism Are on the GOP Ballot
In addition to the predictable battles that normally occur between the Republican and Democratic parties, this year’s US primary election contests are featuring significant struggles being waged within both parties.
A New Palestinian Strategy Is Desperately Needed
A terrible and tragic drama is playing out across Israel/Palestine. It is a dance of death with Israelis and Palestinians engaged, each in their own way, in destructive violence.
About Double Standards
The battle brewing among US liberals and progressives in response to the Russian invasion of Ukraine brought flashbacks of debates that occurred in the aftermath of Saddam Hussein’s invasion and occupation of Kuwait.
It’s All About the Ukrainian People
Putin's Russia played "chicken" with the West and, because he was the only one on the road, it appears that he has won.